A Collection of Kisses: Part 3

If I miss the platform, I'll end up in Rome, alone in the dusk, without a return ticket. If I miss my Great Uncle, I'll end up in a tiny Italian village, alone in the dusk, without a return ticket. I don't speak French. My Great Uncle doesn't speak English. Neither of us speak Italian. What could go wrong?....Continue Reading

A Collection of Kisses: Part 2

The roads in the Alps are narrow and curved, passing through tiny gaps and even tinier towns. As we go along, we keep overtaking bikers who smile and wave at us. If I were biking up an Alp, I would not be smiling, but I admire their fortitude. Strung along the way are crosses, like the one another Great Uncle erected for my Great Grandfather after he died, and stone prayer chapels, no bigger than a single room. I marvel at it all, asking as many questions in my broken French - English mismatch will allow...